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Nope, This Is NOT Acceptable:
But it's really happening, they're just not telling you about it......
mr. fibiger plainly says that a Member must pay their dues promptly,
but if you DARE to politely ask any questions,
those questions MIGHT get answered if and when the currently sitting GFA board darn well feels like it.
The disgusting arrogance is truly sickening, but VERY revealing of their true character
and flagrant disdain for dues-paying GFA Voting Members in good standing. It's revolting.
My Initial Query
October 20, 2019
My Follow-Up Query After Being Ignored For A Week, And mr. fibiger's Eventual Reply
October 27 & November 1, 2019
My Subsequent Query
November 15, 2019
mr fibiger's
Non-Response Response
November 19, 2019
Nope. Absolutely NOT acceptable.
THIS is a "leader"......? No, not at all.
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