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US Courts have repeatedly ruled that personal blogs are Constitutionally-protected expressions of free speech.
This is a personal blog.
Owing to my receiving many questions about recent events involving me and our Flow, following is a timeline. Out of respect for wise advice given, editorializing will come in a future entry. Here's what really happened:
A few years ago, Dan Deutsch (aka: "Dan_RC" on Facebook) registered my then completely blank GFC FB page, dubbed it the "Goodnow Flow Unofficial Page" (which I subsequently re-named to the far more accurate "Goodnow Flow Community"), and told me to 'have at it' - with their personal assurances that my page was mine; that Dan had simply spent the perhaps 3 1/2 minutes required to register my then-empty page; and that I should operate my page as I saw fit.
In June of 2021, Dan strongly "suggested" that I withdraw from the upcoming GFA elections, so as to not "tarnish by association" the only other Member (Randy Freiman) who had put their name forward for consideration, and who, of course, would also have to be nominated from the floor of the AGM - because there obviously was no way either of us would ever have appeared on the (IMHO) extremely unethical and occasionally law-breaking GFA board's "official" ballot. I declined Dan's "suggestion".
Around the same time in June of 2021, some folks on the GFA board whom I have a complicated relationship with provided some alarming-to-me information about an agreement which the board had struck with one or more Members whom I erroneously thought I was enjoying a friendly relationship with.
On July 11, 2021, without consultation or even notice, Dan (as the registered owner of the GFC FB page) 'demoted' me from "Admin" to "Editor" on my own page which I had spent many years growing from completely blank to its current several hundred followers. This effectively meant I could post to the page and make very minor changes to it, but my page was (IMHO) underhandedly stolen from my sphere of influence by "Dan_RC". Dan did not tell me they had done this - I later only accidentally discovered their (IMHO) extremely underhanded actions.
On August 29, 2021 (interestingly, just days before the AGM and literally while I was in the middle of making some minor edits to the appearance of my own page), Dan once again acted without consultation or notice and revoked even my "Editor" credentials, thereby (IMHO) effectively stealing from me my own page which I had devoted years to growing, and they immediately put the fruits of these years of my own labour to "Dan_RC"'s personal benefit. Dan also chose to pin a post to the top of my own page stating that I was no longer affiliated with it - again without any prior consultation with or notice to me.
Recently on a separate Flow-related FB page, an individual whom I believe joined in this betrayal of me falsely stated that I know why I had been removed from my own page which I had built from nothing. This is 100% untrue. The only explanation I ever received was when "Dan_RC" put me on blast by pinning a notice of my departure to the top of my own page.
My $0.02 Worth:
Friendly appearances and phony smiles can be DEEPLY deceiving.
Please don't be duped by anyone's carefully hidden yet utterly dishonourable conduct.
You're right; So deeply integrity-laden, Karen. I was stunned, yet wish you only the best. 🍀