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Why Is Attending The GFA AGM So Important?

The Goodnow Flow Association Annual General Meeting is the MOST important meeting of the GFA every year. This is because it is at the AGM that the most important issues facing the GFA Members, such as the "election" of Officers and Directors and any bylaw amendment proposals and sometimes other issues are decided. It is also where GFA Members can meet one another, express their concerns, ask any questions, and just actually have their voices be heard in an open forum. Physically attending the GFA AGM is of critical importance to ALL the GFA Members because it is ONLY those GFA Members in good standing who physically attend the AGM who are allowed to vote on any issues presented at the AGM, as well as "vote" for the ONE candidate per position which the GFA Nominating Committee has put on the official GFA ballot for any openings. Nominations of other GFA Members in good standing for any Officer or Director opening (there are 4 Officer seats and to Director seats to be decided this year) are allowed from the floor at the AGM, and if properly seconded, such nominations compel the GFA to move to a paper ballot system instead of the typically used voice vote system. There is no provision in the GFA bylaws for either absentee or proxy voting, but the GFA has used proxy voting in the past. If you do not physically attend the GFA AGM, your vote and your voice are simply disregarded by the GFA. Please let your voice be heard by attending and participating in the GFA AGM, to be held this year on August 31, starting at 09:00 in the Newcomb Central School Auditorium. We ALL deserve and need to be heard. Thank you VERY much for your kind attention. :-)

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